Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Methods Of Capital Punishment - 1979 Words

Since ancient times capital punishment has been practiced inordinately as it is seen as a way to curb the increasing crime rate. The methods of conducting the capital punishment is of pivotal interest to the countries across the globe. It is accepted that the death penalty can truly be harsh and barbaric. However, it being unavoidable, efforts are made to reduce the degree of harshness. Sentenced criminals should not be made to go through any deliberate or unnecessary pain while the execution is conducted. This being the major concern, countries are in an incessant search to find the most efficient and least painful method of capital punishment. Researches are conducted to compare and contrast the various methods in order to find the most†¦show more content†¦This paper sought to explore the history of varied traditional and recent methods of capital punishment. Topics like how they came into existence, how they work, what alterations have they gone through and why will be discussed in this research. It will attempt to understand the efforts made to improve and bring in new methods. While considering the many botched executions that have taken place, it looks like the traditional methods may not after all be so effective. However, after years of research quite a few improvisations have come into effect. Though these are not totally new methods, they do serve the purpose of effective, less painful executions. Dieter discusses the various methods of execution which were performed in the US and how they are changing over time. Dieter examines the reasons for this constant change from one method to another. He begins by shedding light on one of the most prominent methods used since olden times: hanging. The intention of choosing this method and its role in the community is revealed in the first few paragraphs. With the enhancement of technology, new methods like the electric chair and gas chambers came into use. The use of complex machinery lead to capital punishment being viewed in a light of sophistication. Years later, the ‘lethal injection’ was introduced. No matter what the method was, they were

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