Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Seven Essential Ingredients of a Good Working Relationship

Seven Essential Ingredients of a Good Working Relationship While it’s not always easy to get along with your coworkers, it’s a worthwhile endeavor: good working relationships are more important than ever in today’s increasingly collaborative work environments. Unfortunately, this can sometimes be easier said than done. It’s not impossible, however. Get a proactive jump on forming positive workplace relationships by implementing these seven simple yet productive methods. 1. Communication CountsOpen lines of communication are critical to all relationships - both in and out of the office. Different people have different needs and preferences. Understanding your co-workers’ needs and delivering on them can help you not only enjoy a better working relationship, but also maximize productivity.Does he/she prefer email, phone or face-to-face meetings? Are daily check-ins preferable to weekly updates? Establishing ground rules for how and when you’ll communicate eliminates confusion, irritation, and other ne gative emotions in the workplace.2. Show RespectJust as your work is your top priority, so are your fellow co-workers’ roles and responsibilities of equal priority to them. Be on time to meetings, treat everyone with courtesy, and honor the time and space of others.3. Be PositiveWhile there’s a time and place for venting, the workplace during work hours is not it. Avoid complaining about your boss and co-workers on the job. Not only does this damage others’ perception of you as a professional person, but it also promote a culture of negativity.Rather than becoming part of the problem, commit to becoming part of the solution. If workplace problems are prevalent, brainstorm ideas toward their solution. This is far more productive than griping to anyone who will listen and risking your own reputation in the process.4. Listen UpEveryone has the potential to make a difference in the workplace - regardless of level or position. Encourage and welcome ideas from others , and refrain from disparaging or belittling them.This doesn’t mean you have to accept and implement bad ideas, but it does mean treating people - and their ideas - with the same courtesy with which you’d want to be treated.Plus, you never know when someone’s idea will turn into an unexpected solution for an ongoing challenging.5. Speak UpYou have a unique set of knowledge, expertise and ideas. Sharing these with your team members not only has potential to make positive change, but also gives your co-workers a better sense of who you are and what you have to offer.In addition to sharing your ideas, it’s also essential to share your gratitude. If a fellow employee has helped out with a task or made a positive contribution to a project, acknowledging their efforts can go a long way to building a sense of teamwork.6. Be AccountableAs Big Bird himself famously crooned, â€Å"Everyone makes mistakes.† Errors are a fact of life. In most cases, theyâ₠¬â„¢re recoverable. What’s not recoverable? Making a mistake and putting the blame on another co-worker. If you miss a deadline or mess up an assignment, own it.Conversely, when co-workers miss deadlines or mess up assignments, don’t sell them out to management. Give them the opportunity to remedy their mistakes, and offer your assistance along the way. Your support when they need it now may mean their support when you need it later.7. Follow UpAlong the same lines as being accountable, it’s also essential to follow up on your obligations. If you say you’re going to do something, do it. If you’re unable to complete the promised task, promptly inform your co-worker or boss. Again, missing deadlines is understandable, but attempting to cover up or run from setbacks may lead to disaster. Trust between co-workers is paramount, and following up on your commitments is an essential component in developing trust.While you and your co-workers may never be b esties, there’s no reason you can’t overcome personal differences and work together as a team. These seven tips and tricks can get you on track to professional relationships which aren’t just tolerable, but fulfilling.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

An Introduction to Visual Anthropology

An Introduction to Visual Anthropology Visual anthropology is an academic subfield of anthropology that has two distinct but intersecting aims. The first involves the addition of images including video and film to ethnographic studies, to enhance the communication of anthropological observations and insights through the use of photography, film, and video. The second one is more or less the anthropology of art,  understanding visual images, including: How far do humans as a species rely on what is seen, and how do they integrate that into their lives?How significant is the visual aspect of life in any particular society or civilization? andHow does a visual image represent (bring into existence, make visible, exhibit or reproduce an action or person, and/or stand as an example for) something Visual anthropology methods include photo elicitation, the use of images to stimulate culturally relevant reflections from informants. The end results are narratives (film, video, photo essays) which communicate typical events of a cultural scene. History Visual Anthropology only became possible with the availability of cameras in the 1860s- arguably the first visual anthropologists were not anthropologists at all but rather photojournalists like the Civil War photographer Matthew Brady;  Jacob Riis, who photographed 19th-century slums of New York;  and  Dorthea Lange, who documented the Great Depression in stunning photographs. In the mid-nineteenth century, academic anthropologists began collecting and making photographs of the people they studied. So-called collecting clubs included the British anthropologists Edward Burnett Tylor, Alfred Cort Haddon, and Henry Balfour, who exchanged and shared photographs as part of an attempt to document and classify ethnographic races. The Victorians concentrated on British colonies such as India, the French focused on Algeria, and the U.S. anthropologists concentrated on Native American communities. Modern scholars now recognize that imperialist scholars classifying the people of subject colonies as others is an important and downright ugly aspect of this early anthropological history. Some scholars have commented that visual representation of cultural activity is, of course, very ancient indeed, including cave art representations of hunting rituals beginning 30,000 years ago or more. Photography and Innovation The development of photography as a part of the scientific ethnographic analysis is usually attributed to Gregory Bateson and Margaret Meads 1942 examination of Balinese culture called Balinese Character: A Photographic Analysis. Bateson and Mead took more than 25,000 photos while conducting research in Bali, and published 759 photographs to support and develop their ethnographic observations. In particular, the photos- arranged in a sequential pattern like stop-motion movie clips- illustrated how the Balinese research subjects performed social rituals or engaged in routine behavior. Film as ethnography is an innovation generally attributed to Robert Flaherty, whose 1922 film Nanook of the North is a silent recording of activities of an Inuit band in the Canadian Arctic. Purpose In the beginning, scholars felt that using imagery was a way to make an objective, accurate, and complete study of social science that had been typically fueled by an extensively detailed description. But there is no doubt about it,  the photo collections were directed and often served a purpose. For example, the photos used by anti-slavery and aborigine protection societies were selected or made to make the natives more human and needier, through poses, framings, and settings. American photographer Edward Curtis made skillful use of aesthetic conventions, framing Native Americans as sad, unresisting victims of an inevitable and indeed divinely ordained manifest destiny. Anthropologists such as Adolphe Bertillon and Arthur Cervin sought to objectify the images by specifying uniform focal lengths, poses, and backdrops to remove the distracting noise of context, culture, and faces. Some photos went so far as to isolate body parts from the individual (like tattoos). Others such as Thomas Huxley planned to produce an orthographic inventory of the races in the British Empire, and that, coupled with a corresponding urgency to collect the last vestiges of disappearing cultures drove much of the 19th and early 20th century efforts. Ethical Considerations All of this came crashing to the forefront in the 1960s and 1970s when the clash between ethical requirements of anthropology and the technical aspects of using photography became untenable. In particular, the use of imagery in academic publication has impacts on the ethical requirements of anonymity, informed consent, and telling the visual truth. Privacy: Ethical anthropology requires that scholar protect the privacy of the subjects that are interviewed: taking their picture makes that nearly impossibleInformed consent: Anthropologists need to explain to their informants that their images may appear in the research and what the implications of those images might mean- and get that consent in writing- before the research beginsTelling the truth: Visual scholars must understand that it is unethical to alter images to change their meaning or present an image that connotes a reality not consistent with the understood reality. University Programs and Job Outlook Visual anthropology is a subset of the larger field of anthropology. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the numbers of jobs projected to grow between 2014 and 2024 is about 4 percent, slower than the average, and competition for those jobs is likely to be fierce given the small number of positions relative to applicants. A handful of university programs specializing in the use of visual and sensory media in anthropology, including: The University of Southern California MA at the Center for Visual AnthropologyHarvard Universitys Ph.D. program at Sensory Ethnography LabThe University of Londons MA and Ph.D. in Visual AnthropologyThe University of Manchesters MA at the Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology Finally, the Society for Visual Anthropology, part of the American Anthropological Association, has a research conference and film and media festival and publishes the journal Visual Anthropology Review. A second academic journal, titled Visual Anthropology, is published by Taylor Francis. Sources: Cant A. 2015. One Image, Two Stories: Ethnographic and Touristic Photography and the Practice of Craft in Mexico. Visual Anthropology 28(4):277-285.Harper D. 2001. Visual Methods in the Social Sciences. In: Baltes PB, editor. International Encyclopedia of the Social Behavioral Sciences. Oxford: Pergamon. p 16266-16269.Loizos P. 2001. Visual Anthropology. In: Baltes PB, editor. International Encyclopedia of the Social Behavioral Sciences. Oxford: Pergamon. p 16246-16250.Ortega-Alczar I. 2012. Visual Research Methods, International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home. San Diego: Elsevier. p 249-254.Pink S. 2014. Digital–visual–sensory-design anthropology: Ethnography, imagination Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 13(4):412-427.and intervention.Poole D. 2005. An excess of description: Ethnography, race, and visual technologies. Annual Review of Anthropology 34(1):159-179.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

McDonalds global strategic of human resource management Essay

McDonalds global strategic of human resource management - Essay Example Since then, McDonald’s kept growing in terms of business and innovative products and concepts that attracted the international market to acquire franchise stores in their countries. At McDonald’s, learning is highly encouraged. From the setting up of Hamburger University to educate people in the food business, to welcoming students to work part time while offering them a suitable schedule to still accommodate their studies, the company has established its value for learning. Within each store, much learning and development ensue. Employees’ skills and potentials are maximized with effective motivational strategies. Aside from contributing to the improvement of employees, it also redounds to beneficial outcomes for the company. To management, their human resources are the company’s greatest wealth and are worth investing on. They see employees as the primary source of progress in terms of quality and productivity. Employee development takes on a learning or ientation throughout the McDonald’s system. This shows the company’s commitment to empowering their people towards better performance in their work, thereby impacting organizational efficiency. The awards reaped by the company throughout the years prove that McDonald’s is one company committed not only to the highest standards of excellence in the food service industry but also to being a great employer that motivates its employees to strive for their best performance. Employee recognition is one thing McDonald’s believe in. Their recognition programs are designed to reward and recognize worthy employees who exhibit above average performance. The President’s Award is given to the top 1% of individual performers worldwide in the corporate division and region offices. The Circle of Excellence award is bestowed upon top teams who contribute their efforts in advancing the company’s vision (McDonald’ With the purpose of retaining the ir high-performing employees, McDonald’s has also devised ways to keep them such as helping them invest in their futures. Employees have access to financial management services, profit shares in the company as well as long-term incentives. These benefits are granted to key employees who have exhibited sustained quality performance and have impacted long-term value creation in the company (McDonald’ An employee of the month is voted each month and then, each quarter. This motivates the employees to strive hard to be a candidate. The winner gets vouchers as rewards and becomes eligible as candidates towards Employee of the quarter, and rewards are increased as the employee goes up the hierarchy of the award. Another motivational scheme for employee development is rewarding employees for their loyalty to the company in the longevity of their employment. Employees who stay at McDonalds from 5 years are given monetary rewards every 5 years, and this increases in valu e every time. The foregoing is what is publicized as McDonald’s profile as an employer. However, a different case seems to be recognized in its branches in Europe. Although it has exerted much effort in preventing the formation of unions amongst their employees, discontent in some still manage to seep through (Royle, 2002). McDonald’s in Europe face a greater challenge in terms of its employment of culturally diverse workers with varying ages and qualifications (Royle, 1999). This paper discusses such issues on how the company has dealt with such challenges in its

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Different Societies have Different Moral Codes and Ethics Essay

Different Societies have Different Moral Codes and Ethics - Essay Example Therefore, ethics is the main framework that guides actions of people in the society since it encompasses the actions that people should do or avoid doing.1 People’s concepts of ethics are acquired from religion, philosophy and culture, and the three will establish the ethical standards of any community. Different communities will have different ethical standards, and this bring the question of if ethics is relative to society and that there is no basis for saying that acts are right or wrong, independent of what this or that culture says. Cultural Relativism Mary Midgely explains that people find it hard to understand the moral values of other cultures since they will have different values. For example, in Africa, some communities practice female circumcision and the belief is that all women should undergo this procedure. However, this is exceedingly rejected by other communities, and in the United States, this is strictly prohibited. She explains that people need to understa nd their own culture in order to appreciate what their own culture expects them to do. The ethical standards in a community will be guided by the values that custom has placed on society. However, since there are societal disorders, some people deviate from the customs and this cause the evils in the society. On this basis, cultural relativism explains that the meritorious deeds are those that a majority of people in society approves. For this reason, morality is a product of culture since it will determine what people approve of or do not accept. Proposers of cultural relativism argue that there is no basis for deciding good or evil and that the cultural perspective will determine what is right and what is wrong.2 Since different cultures will have varied opinions, the decision of what is wrong and what is right by viewing different cultures is an issue of significant concern, as no group of people will let go of their heritage to take up another one. Therefore, cultural relativism threatens harmony among people of different cultures since the different groups of people will have varied values, which will dictate how they associate with one another. It creates the notion that there is no other way of determining good or bad other than the cultural beliefs f people. Cultural relativism will make people judge one another on the grounds of their cultural practices, and this may bring a lot of disorderliness in the society. Since the values of different cultures are diverse, finding one central procedure for judging actions becomes hard when cultural relativism comes into play. Conducts that are appreciated by one culture may not be accepted by another culture, and the idea of defining morals by considering the cultural beliefs of people will not be instrumental in making judgments of good and bad. Since ethics is concerned with what other people will say about their actions, there needs to be a universal procedure for determining what is right or evil. Relying o n culture to decide this will bring a lot of controversy as people will have varied moral codes depending on their heritage. Edward Westermarck in his book the sources of moral ideas explains that ethics is a normative science used to formulate the validity of the actions people do. In this regard, he explains that deciding what is good or bad cannot merely be judged by what people think. Therefore, judging actions by what a certain

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Gift of Magi Essay Example for Free

The Gift of Magi Essay Characteristics of Jim and Della Dillingham Della Dillingham young beautiful poor courage’s loving Della is James Dillingham’s wife in story. She is a young beautiful woman with beautiful long knee length hairs. She loves her husband most and always try’s to keep him happy, whenever her husband ‘jim’ came home she hugs him gently. When the story opens Della is counting money that she has saved to buy her husband a Christmas present and she starts crying after realizing how little she has to buy a good Christmas present for her husband. They were poor, after saving for whole month she could only save $ 1.87. They only possess two worthy things one is Della’s hair and other is Jim’s watch which is given to him by his father. After thinking for a while Della makes decision to cut and sell her hairs for money to buy a good Christmas present for her husband. This shows the courage’s nature of Della. She cuts of her hair and get $20 for them. With the money from her hair she buys a beautiful platinum watch chain for her husband. Later when jim came back home and sees della in short hairs he got stunned by her appearance, della then reminds him that her hairs will grow quickly again and she wants him happy,for it is Christmas eve, and she cut and sold her hairs because she could not face Christmas without a gift for him.This incidence of story shows her unconditional and unselfish love for her husband. James Dillingham Young Hard working serious poor loving Della’s husband Jim is a thin, serious young man, 22 years old. The author of the story has described Jim to the readers by comparing him with the platinum watch chain : was like him â€Å"quietness and value – the description applies to both† Jim is a hard working man , he never returns home before 7 o’clock .and is reliable also â€Å"jim was never late†. Jim’s most prized possession is the gold watch that has been handed over to him by his father and to his father from his grandfather. But jim clearly values his wife more than his watch because he sells it in order to buy a set of beautiful combs for her beautiful long hairs as a present for Christmas. This shows how much he loves his wife.

Friday, November 15, 2019

College Admissions Essay: My Contribution to Disability Awareness :: College Admissions Essays

My Contribution to Disability Awareness It's 8 o'clock in the morning and the corridors of Mill Road Elementary are busier than Grand Central Station. The only difference is that Mill Road students are about a foot shorter and ten times more energetic than your average Grand Central Station commuter. In comparison with the dorm room I have just left, these walls are papered with hundreds of drawings and paintings. The hallways could compete with any modern gallery in terms of sheer bulk and some critics might argue for their content as well. However, I did not wake up at 7 o'clock to view the Mill Road Elementary prized art collection. Instead, I am there to present the 3-step Disabilities Awareness program to several classes of supercharged fifth graders. Standing in front of 30 or so fifth graders is a lonely position. I feel the burden of all teachers and start my presentation. It is a difficult curriculum to teach to fifth graders because of the many contradictions and situational circumstances. These fifth graders are sharp and ask questions whose answers could easily fill the rest of the year's class time. It is for this same reason that the presentation is such an enjoyable program. A ten-question quiz, designed to "pop" some of the myths about disabilities, is given to the students. The class discusses ideas about independence, differentiating between disabilities and emphasizing that the person comes before the disability. The quiz is an icebreaker that encourages the students to ask questions that pertain to the whole disabilities spectrum. Once the students begin to feel comfortable, I am flooded with questions. Students are able to expand their knowledge on a variety of disability-related issues. The real challenge is to help them change their perception of people with disabilities. Students have to be convinced that a disability is a limitation and every human has his or her own limitations. A disability is not a sickness someone can catch like a cold. When the students begin to see that we are all equal, then the Disabilities Awareness program has really done its job. The students are stubborn at first to new ideas but, after challenging them, they begin to see the truth behind these ideas and start accepting them. The second and third presentations are follow-up visits that seek to reinforce the same ideas presented in the first session using different activities.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Compare & Contrats: Lineman Terms

In the electrical construction business, power companies can choose whether to use contractors or their own workers to complete a job. They must consider the size of the job and time frame they have to complete the job. The work habits of contract linemen and Georgia Power Company linemen play a large part in the decision of which group will be the best to complete the job. Lineman use heavy equipment to complete their jobs. An aerial bucket is a truck that has a fiberglass boom, a long scissor like arm, with an isolated bucket attached so that linemen can use it to reach energized electrical lines. Some of these buckets have a special fiberglass arm at the end of the boom with a roller on it, called a jib, which uses a winch to lift heavy objects up to one thousand pounds, called material handlers. Contractors use a two man material handling bucket. Due to strict rules about working two conductors at the same time, Georgia Power lineman can’t work out of a two man bucket so they use a single man material handling truck. The next piece of equipment used by a lineman is a line truck. It has an auger attached to the boom that digs deep holes for the pole to be set. This truck also sets the pole and can lift heavy objects with its winch line, similar to how a crane works. The contractor’s truck has a center mounted boom, which has a seat mounted at the base on the boom. This truck can work the same strength from either side of the truck. Unlike the contractor’s truck, the Georgia Power lineman’s truck is a corner mounted boom, which is located on the rear passenger side of the truck. It has a farther reach off of the passenger side of the truck, but it is not as strong on the driver side of the truck. These trucks have to pull trailers behind them to haul poles around. A contract lineman uses a thirty foot pole trailer which is the standard size used to haul around a large number of poles. The company lineman uses a material trailer that is about fifteen foot long with boxes on the side to hold wire and materials. When they need to haul a pole, the tongue can be extended out to the length needed. This trailer can only haul about five poles at max. Although they use different trucks, the truck’s joysticks and levers all have the same functions. One of the major similarities between a contractor and a Georgia Power lineman is that they both have to follow rules and regulations from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the National Electrical Safety Code standards. They both have to wear a harness when working out of the bucket, and wear a body belt, has two d-rings placed at the hips that you attach a strap to, when they are six feet off the ground on a pole or ladder. Both types of lineman must wear rubber gloves while working in the bucket that cover hand up to the elbow. A contractor wears class three rubber gloves. They are rated for thirty thousand volts. Working on the same line, a Georgia Power lineman can wear class two gloves that are rated for twenty thousand volts. The reason for the difference in standards is the amount of cover-up used, which is another way linemen stay protected while working on electrical wires. It is called this because they use it to cover the energized lines. Cover-up is orange colored so that the linemen can easily see it and it comes in many forms. The contract linemen and company linemen use hoses, blankets, and hoods to cover-up the power lines. A hose, sometimes called an eel, is six feet long and slides over the wire to cover around it. A blanket is a four foot square that is used to wrap around the pole, its arms, or insulators. A hood is pre-formed to fit insulators perfectly, but not all linemen use them because they take up too much space on the truck. A contactor does not use the same amount of cover-up as a Georgia Power lineman would. Company linemen have a four step cover-up procedure. First, they must cover the conductors in the order they come to them. Second, before uncovering an energized conductor, all paths to ground must be covered. A ground is anything that an electric current can use to get back to the earth from the wire. Third, before working on a grounded component, all energized conductors must be covered. Last, the cover-up must be removed in the order it was placed. It makes for a little more work for the company lineman, but it keeps them from having to wear rubber sleeves. Unlike the company lineman, a contractor must wear rubber sleeves which start at the top of the shoulder and covers down to the wrist because they don’t use the four rules of cover-up. When the trucks are in an area of energized lines, a contract lineman always has to ground their truck to the pole ground. The truck ground is a copper wire that ties the truck through the pole ground to the system neutral to protect from accidental electrical charge. A power company lineman only has to ground their truck when setting oles and only if there is a chance of an accidental contact to the truck due to a broken insulator or pole. Contractors must do a lot of traveling in order to keep their job; they don’t have a set location to work from. At the power company, a lineman stays at the same headquarters during his career. Since the lineman is at home, the company calls him to work for local power outages. When major hurricanes strike the coast lines, tornados blow away cities, or blizzards freeze a mountain town, both types of linemen can be asked to help restore power to these communities. When a contractor goes out of town, his crew will be the only ones that work together during the restoration. They will meet up with fellow contract lineman only for meals and meetings. As a Georgia Power lineman, you are sent out with your whole region. A caravan of trucks and vans leave the headquarters and travel to their destination together to help restore power to the area. There are also support members from inside the office that travel with the team. While away from home, contract linemen either sleep in a hotel or, on occasion, sleep inside their trucks. The power company linemen have a support team to make sure they get a good place to sleep every night while on the storm group. So the likelihood of having to sleep in their trucks is slim to none. The quality of work differs between the contract lineman and a Georgia Power lineman. A contract lineman bids on the job and gets paid per task they complete. Because speed equals money, a contract lineman tends to rush through work to finish faster. Because he is rushed, the maybe work is unsatisfactory to trained company lineman. Contractors have a saying, â€Å"It looks good to me. You can’t see it from my house. † A company lineman can take his time and do his job safely and this reflects in his work. He takes pride in his work because he can ride around his community and look at project he has worked on. I know firsthand the work habits of a contract lineman and a Georgia Power Company lineman. I worked for contractors for five years before I was hired by the power company. After many years of line experience, I have noticed that my work and safety habits improved after becoming a company lineman. Even though both types of linemen have the same profession, they approach the job in different ways to complete it. A power company chooses contractors over company linemen when it is necessary to stay devoted to a single job they are working on. Company linemen have the responsibility of responding to power outages, and this extends the time it takes to complete the job. The pros and cons of both types of linemen and the time it takes to complete the job are the two major factors that are taken into consideration by Georgia Power Company when deciding which group will be assigned to the job.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Fin 370 Ethics and Compliance Paper

Ethics and Compliance FIN/370 Dec/14/2011 Ethics and Compliance â€Å"The mission of the Walt Disney Company is to be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information. Using our portfolio of brands to differentiate our content, services and consumer products, we seek to develop the most creative, innovative and profitable entertainment experiences and related products in the world† (According to  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Walt Disney Company Mission Statement†Ã‚  (2011) Walt Disney began as a cartoon studio in the 1920s more than eight decades later is become a global corporation, and premier provider of quality family entertainment across America and around the world. What is the secret of the Walt Disney success? What are the rules and standard that make Walt Disney one of the biggest corporations in the world? Team C is going to discuss in this presentation the role of ethics compliance, the procedures and ethical behavior, the processes that the company uses to comply with the SEC regulations, and assess the financial performance of Walt Disney Company. Disney’s Ethics Since the beginning of the Walt Disney Company, ethics and compliance were very important for the entire organization and the Walt Disney Company of today the business standards and ethics are well written, and outlined in great detail. One of the reasons that the ethics and compliance standards were implemented is to ensure that the financial health of the company is not compromised by the misused of proprietary information to gain wealth illegally by the employees and the Board of Directors. All employees, managers and Directors are responsible for the financial health of the company and the best interest of the stockholders. Walt Disney Company used internal audits to ensure that all documentation and reports are accurate and also that all financial statements are in compliance with the general accounting practices. Each individual shall report and record all information, and complete Company document, accurately and honestly. These include, for example, time cards, reimbursable business expense requests, invoices, payroll records, safety records, business records and performance evaluations. † According to  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Walt Disney Company†Ã‚  (2011) Walt Disney Company has taken steps to ensure the ethical behavior in the organization, honesty is emphasized in the 2011 employee handbook, employee and upper management is accountable for all documentation are accurate. Evaluation of Disclosure control and procedures is a division of Walt Disney Company created to ensure that all employees, management, and Directors are following the ethical behavior established by the company and all financial reports files within the time mandated the General Accounting Practices. SEC Regulations The U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is in place to ensure that people who invest in publicly traded companies are protected, and that an efficient market is maintained in a fair and orderly fashion. The SEC has put in place several laws and rules to ensure that all investors have access to certain financial information before they buy stock in a company. This information is to remain public and readily available as long as the company is publicly traded. This means that the companies that are publicly traded must disclose this financial and other related information to anyone who requests it. Most companies have it posted online on their company website. These rules and laws ensure that investors are making informed decisions both before they buy stock and the entire time they are owners of company stock. Every year, the SEC finds companies who are in violation of the rules they have in place. Some companies will neglect their duty to post their annual financial data, or they may manipulate the data that they post. These violations can be viewed as insider trading, account fraud, or purposefully misleading company shareholders. Those companies who are found guilty of these types of offenses face serious fines against the company, and may include jail time for the people who manipulated the data. Disney is a publicly traded company, and as such, is expected to follow the rules and regulations set forth by the SEC. To comply with the regulations, Disney has made available all of the required annual financial statements on their company website. This website is separate from their storefront and theme park websites, and is dedicated to providing information about the Disney Corporation. This information includes the history of the company, investor relations, news releases, career information and job listings, and all of the required financial documents for investors. This way, any existing or potential investors can readily find information about the Disney Company that can be useful when trying to make sound decisions regarding buying or selling shares of Disney stock. Disney’s Financial Performance | | | The Walt Disney Company has several different operations: media networks, parks and resorts, studio entertainment, customer products and interactive media (Disney,  2010). Based upon Disney’s 2009 and 2010 financial statements, we have calculated these key ratios: Key ratios:| 2010| 2009| Current ratio| 1. 11| 13. 31| Debt ratio| 0. 90| 0. 08| Average collection period| 55. 46| 49. 01| Return on equity| 0. 11| 0. 10| Disney’s revenues increased on 2010 compared to 2009. The overall liquidity of the company was better on 2009. On 2010 Disney acquired a bigger debt because of the current financial crisis. They took a bigger risk by doing this, but the risk turned into a positive outcome. Their collection period extended more in 2010, but this allow them to generate more businesses as suppose they would have kept a more extract payment regiment. Disney managed its resources efficiently, making a bigger profit on 2010 than they did on the previous year. Between all of their operations, some more popular than others, they could produce a higher profit margin on 2010. They also focused on the new trends such as technology, and product globalization, to stay competitive and profitable. Disney has adapted to the economy changes and taken risks in order to keep up with the competition and to maintain the business growth. 2009 was more stable and secure in every aspect, but the risk taken was necessary to increase the company’s profit. Conclusion The Disney Corporation is a company that has been publically traded for many years, and has grown to be one of the largest companies that is publically raded. The company strives to follow the regulations set forth by the SEC so that stockholders in the company can easily make sound decisions regarding their shares of stock. For 56 consecutive years, Disney has been able to pay dividends to their shareholders, even through the most recent financial recession. Most recently, the annually pa id dividend increased by 50% for the 2011 fiscal year. (Disney, 2011) Over the last couple of years, the company has shown steady growth, and could be considered a wise investment for someone interested in buying shares of stock. References The Walt Disney Company,  (2010). Retrieved from http://corporate. disney. go. com/investors/annual_reports. html The Walt Disney Company,  (2011). Retrieved from http://corporate. disney. go. com/corporate/complete_history. html The Walt Disney Company,  (2011). Retrieved from http://corporate. disney. go. com/news/corporate/2011/2011_1201_board_increases_annual_dividend. html Walt Disney Company Mission Statement,  (2011),  Retrieved from http://retailindustry. about. com/od/retailbestpractices/ig/Company-Mission-Statements/Walt-Disney-Mission-Statement. htm

Friday, November 8, 2019

Industrial revolution (governm essays

Industrial revolution (governm essays How far did popular unrest contribute to political reform? The pressure supplied by large numbers of people and many different lobby groups at the time of early industrialisation, did to a large extent, help forge a way for political reform, however it was not the only factor. In the metamorphosis period of industrialisation where British industry went from cottage to factory styles of production, the working classes suffered a huge fall in living and working conditions. Disease was out of control, sanitation was non-existent and child and women labour were the flavour of the day. These deplorable conditions awakened a social consciousness in the lower gentry that had such an intimidating effect on the aristocracy that change was imminent. Ideas such as Marxism, socialism, Chartism, liberalism, utilitarianism and humanitarianism were grafted into the bourgeoisie psyche. The period 1760-1830 saw an incresed concern for human unhappiness, and especially for that of the young. It was Peel who, stimulated by a Manchester physician, Thomas Perci val, pressed on Parliament the need for regulation of the factories. His Act of 1802, the Health and Morals of Apprenticeships Act, limited hours of work and prescribed minimum standards of hygiene and education. Also the emergence of a middle class, suppressed with little to no political power also contributed to political reform. Thus with prevailing melancholy over the working and middle classes political reform was recognised by the oligarchy as a way of appeasing social agitation and accordingly a way of maintaining power. The fear of a peoples revolution was foremost on the minds of the landed aristocracy in Britain during industrialisation. The French Revolution in 1789 saw people power topple the hierarchy due to calamitous living conditions and hunger. These events in France made the British aristocracy make sure that if change was going to happen, then it was going to be dictated...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How Word Variation Could Improve Your Academic Writing

How Word Variation Could Improve Your Academic Writing How Word Variation Could Improve Your Academic Writing (And 5 Handy Examples) While it’s important to use consistent terminology in academic writing, this applies primarily to technical terms and concepts central to your argument. When it comes to the rest of your paper, varying the language can make it much more engaging and easier to read. What words should you vary? This depends very much on the individual, but the essence is to avoid frequent repetition of certain basic terms. This doesn’t mean short words like â€Å"the†, â€Å"a† or â€Å"and†, which everyone will use regularly in their writing, but it might include words like â€Å"interesting†, â€Å"because†, â€Å"including†, â€Å"said† and â€Å"important†. Alternatives for these terms are presented below, but you might also want to try a thesaurus for other ideas. Just remember to check the meaning of words you find in a thesaurus before using them, as sometimes there can be subtle differences. 1.      Variations on Interesting The word â€Å"interesting† is often used to introduce a point as worthy of attention (e.g., â€Å"It is interesting to note that†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Ironically, overusing â€Å"interesting† is very uninteresting indeed, so you might want to try these instead: Noteworthy/notable (e.g., â€Å"One noteworthy claim†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) Compelling (e.g., â€Å"One theory seems particularly compelling†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) Fascinating (e.g., â€Å"The Ancient Greeks were a fascinating people†) 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Because The word â€Å"because† is used when explaining the reasons behind something (e.g., â€Å"The results were this way because†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). As such, it’s often used in academic writing, so you may sometimes need to limit repetition: Since (e.g., â€Å"Since the pilot experiment failed, we had to start again.†) Due to (e.g., â€Å"The failure was due to several oversights.†) As a result (e.g., â€Å"As a result of these omissions, the results are unreliable.†) 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Including/Includes The term â€Å"including† is most commonly used to introduce examples of something just mentioned, including in this sentence you’re reading right now. See what we did there? It can also be used to describe something contained within a whole (e.g., â€Å"It will take a full week, including Sunday.†) If you’re using â€Å"includes† a lot in a paper, you might want to consider these variations: Such as (e.g., â€Å"I collect tools, such as hammers and tongs.†) Like (e.g., â€Å"I eat fruit, like apples and pears.†) Incorporates (e.g., â€Å"The design incorporates many useful features.†) 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Said The word â€Å"said† is most overused when quoting sources (e.g., â€Å"Costello said that ‘there’s nothing underhand that she won’t understand’†). Your options here include: Claimed (e.g., â€Å"Holland claimed†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) Argued (e.g., â€Å"Weller argued†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) Stated (e.g., â€Å"Suggs stated†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Important The term â€Å"important† is used to emphasize the significance or value of something, so overusing it can undermine its impact. Substitutes include: Significant (e.g., â€Å"The most significant finding†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) Vital (e.g., â€Å"It is vital to remember that†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) Crucial (e.g., â€Å"Addressing this problem is crucial in order to†¦Ã¢â‚¬ )

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 18

Assignment - Essay Example Where is it at this time? Plan: Remember that gravity is acting against the ball, so the acceleration a = -g = - (constant of gravity near Earth’s surface) = - 9.8 m/s2. Due to gravity, at some point the ball is going to stop (v=0 at the maximum height that the ball reaches) and start to fall back down. We will use +y direction as the up direction. 2b.Next, from the same position, you throw an identical ball (Ball 2) straight down with the same launch speed as in the previous question. How fast will the ball be traveling 2 seconds later and where is it at this time?   The reason for this is that ball 1 reaches its maximum height, then falls back down. When it crosses the point where the platform is, it has the same speed it initially had when thrown up, only now it is going downwards with the same speed. Proof of this: Take ball 1, and find the final speed it would have if the final y value is the same as the initial y value (so that the ball is released from the platform, goes up, and comes right back to the platform). Use the equation vf2 = v02 -2g(yf-y0); the initial and final y values are the same, so their difference is 0 and we have vf2 = v02 -2g(0)= v02 ïÆ' ¨ in other words, vf and v0 have the same magnitudes, but different directions: vf = -v0 3.The ceiling of a classroom is 3.75 m above the floor. A student tosses an apple vertically upward, releasing it 0.5 m above the floor. What is the maximum initial speed that can be given to the apple if it is not to touch the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Origin and Evolution of Birds Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Origin and Evolution of Birds Paper - Assignment Example The paper tells that in the recent years, with enhancement in scientific development, much has been able to be got related to the origin and evolution of birds. With the help of techniques like computerized carbon dating and the rest, the origin of birds could be able to be pinpointed and much of the changes that took place in evolution place in a certain time. Since every species ought to survive in a given environment, a number of adaptation changes are adopted. Often, some of these adaptations result into serious and minor changes in the physical nature of the given species resulting in evolution. Evolution essentially is the gradual change of a species from the original to a different version. Birds too were not left behind in the evolution process. Survivals always a key feature in the maintenance of a given species. For any species to survive, means they had first to acquire the basic want like food and security. Birds for instance migrate to distance lands in search of food an d a reproduction place. In terms of security, birds that were preyed on by land animals might have found a way to fly to escape such predators. Often evolutions come as a means to overcome daily challenges in life. Over millions of years back, it has been researched that birds were the ancestors of dinosaurs called theropods. One of the most efficient survival strategies was migration. Migration was a complex task, yet most species created their own migration strategies for survival. Some species would migrate for a short distance and some would take long distances seeking for suitable environment (Feduccia 2). Thus, for species which needed long distance migration had their own specialized strategies. From this concept, we can think about the evolutionary origin of birds and their similarities to reptiles. For survival, reptiles had to go to a higher place in search for food, so they had the power to fly. Therefore, birds developed their wings, and later on they developed feathers. Birds have move power at flying than reptiles now. Bird flight origin is an immense issue in avian biology plus in the overall evolutionary theory. Often, many scientists have pointed to the fossilized Archaeopteryx specimens as evidence to the existence of a transitional vertebrate which developed during the evolution of birds from reptilian dinosaurs (Feduccia 18). Often, most birds do fly, therefore distinguishing them from the other vertebrate classes. Hence, flight is the chief means of locomotion in many bird species and can be for feeding, breeding, feeding, and escape plus predator avoidance. Birds have many adaptations for flight. These include having a lightweight skeleton, the pectorals (which accounts for 15% of the total mass of the bird), two large flight muscles, and the supracoracoideus.  Often, the wing size and shape determine a given bird’s species flight type (Feduccia 26). Often, many bird’s combine power and the flapping of their wings to fly, and once on air, flap less extensively to save on energy. It is estimated that about 60 bird species that are extant are flightless as were the case of many extinct birds (Miller, Vandome & McBrewster 234). Flight is hence seen as a very serious adaptation process in the evolution of birds that have enabled them to survive time. It has been found out that flightlessness sometimes arises in birds located in isolated islands,